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Two bidders interested in Lithuania's first offshore wind round

Phase one of Lithuania’s first offshore wind auction has concluded, with two bidders submitting offers. The initial round was launched 31 March and ran until 29 May of 2023. The site on offer will have a maximum installed capacity of 700 MW, with no state subsidies available.

According to local Lithuanian news reports, the two bidders were the Lithuanian state owned Ignitis Group, and a joint bid between European Energy and Vårgrønn.

Lithuania plans on holding a second auction with state subsidies in Q3, also offering a 700 MW fixed project located directly south-east of the subsidy free site.

The two bids will now be assessed, and if both meet the qualification requirements, the winner will be decided based on the highest fee offered for the site. The announcement of the winner is currently expected in September 2023.

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