Denmark has suspended the processing of Open- Door applications, due to potential conflicts with EU laws
The Danish Energy Agency (DEA) announced this week that they are suspending the offshore wind Open-Door scheme, citing that the permitting process might be in breach of EU law. Case processing on all applications is put on hold until further investigation is undertaken. New applications are also put on hold.
A long or permanent suspension of the Open-Door permitting track would put the Danes in danger of missing the 2030 target of 12.9 GW offshore wind capacity. Denmark is betting big on connecting much of the capacity needed for the target in 2030 alone, through several large state- initiated projects (See figure). A delay on any of one of these large projects would mean missing the 12.9 GW. Given the large amounts of projects in the North and Baltic Sea, many of which aim for a COD within or in 2030, a delay due to vessel availability or supply chain squeezes is not unlikely.
The Open-Door track provides the Danes with additional projects that could contribute to the 2030 target. If completed before 2030, these projects could mitigate the consequences of potential delays on state- initiated projects. In 2022, the DEA received 47 applications through the Open-Door track, with European Energy, CIP and Copenhagen Energy among the applicants. The outcome of the Danes investigation could have impact on other EU countries eyeing an Open-Door track as a potential way to speed up offshore wind development.