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Wind Analytics

Understand the offshore wind supply chain

With Esgian’s Wind Analytics, identify bottle necks within offshore wind projects. Understand lead times, suppliers’ performance, capacities and constraints, progress on competing projects, risks and opportunities. Valuable insights allows for better planning, cost management and better supply chain and procurement decisions.

Market intelligence at every stage

From concept to operation, Wind Analytics offers information at every stage. Offering an overview of country targets and future offshore wind lease rounds broken out by developer and country. A complete list of all offshore wind projects with key information including, ownership, capacity, distance to shore, key upcoming dates (e.g. COD & turbine/foundation installation dates), water depth, installation ports, tier 1 equipment contract details, vessel contracts, supply demand analysis, offshore wind factories and a floating technology section, plus so much more!

Get in touch with us !

    Global coverage of the offshore wind market including contracts, targets and leasing, vessel activity, floating technologies and more

    Quality Offshore Wind Data

    Reliable offshore wind market data in just a few clicks.

    Offshore Wind Contract Coverage

    Global coverage of offshore wind contracts associated with turbines, vessels, cables, foundations, substations, towers and more.

    Offshore Wind Targets and Leasing

    Information on near and far term offshore wind targets, and leasing processes by region, country and/or developer.

    Floating Offshore Wind Expertise

    Floating technologies and market information including coverage of the global floating offshore wind pipeline.

    Frequently asked questions

    Can’t find an answer? Ask us at

    Disclaimer, Terms and Conditions

    The data and estimates provided on this Platform reflect Esgian’s assessment at the time that they are made available as part of the Service. No guarantee can be given that such data and estimates are accurate. The data is provided for its intended recipients only and shall not be published or circulated to a third party without our prior written permission. Whilst Esgian AS has endeavored to provide accurate and reliable data, no liability with respect to its completeness or accuracy is accepted. Any reliance on the data and estimates is done on your sole risk.

    Upon accessing the Service you accept our Terms and Conditions which we encourage you to read carefully. These can be changed at any time, and the latest version can be found here.

    Who needs Wind Analytics?

    Esgian’s global offshore wind database and market intelligence tools are perfect for offshore wind farm developers, vessel owners, service providers, equipment makers, shipyards, banks, insurance companies and investment funds who need to track developments and trends in the offshore wind market to support contracting, business development, investments, and competitive analysis.

    How do you ensure data quality?

    Esgian’s Wind Analytics’ team of analysts and database services veterans continuously monitors, tracks, and interacts with its offshore wind industry network to ensure that our data is updated and accurate.

    How can I get user support or more information about subscriptions?

    For technical support, questions regarding usage of the site, or to report issues with the site, contact us. Regarding Wind Analytics subscriptions and pricing, note that these are normally valid for a one-year period, but we may offer discounts for multi-year subscriptions. For more information, please contact us so we can find the right solution for you.

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    0369 Oslo

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