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The web-based and mobile application for offshore rig market analysis, valuations, emissions and news

Be informed and make better decisions in the offshore rig market

Our data and analysis tools are perfect for drilling rig owners, offshore rig service providers, OEMs, oil companies, shipyards, banks and investment funds, to name a few, who need to track developments and trends in the rig market to support tendering, contracting, business development, investments and emissions reduction targets.

The tools include:

  • Rig dayrates and recent fixtures
  • Contract status and backlog
  • Recent sales (including scrapping)
  • Rig technical specifications and contract data
  • Rig emissions, historical and projected
  • Solution analysis, to test rigs against emission reduction systems
  • Rig valuation ++

Rig Analytics

Rig Values

Greenpact Rigs

Greenpact Live

Apply analytics to describe, predict, and improve business performance and reduce emissions.

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0369 Oslo

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